Join our middle school program and let our dedicated coaches push you to be the best athlete you can be. Train, condition, and prepare yourself for your future with the game.
The Edge Volleyball Club's Middle School Program
Train Like A Champion
Unleash the best athlete you can be
The Middle School Program is designed for 5th through 8th graders looking to learn the ins and outs of the game. The athletes will be trained in multiple skills as well as focusing on one to two specific position(s) that suit them. They will be taught overarching game knowledge as well as execution of core skills and techniques. Athletes will get to display their skills in tournaments around the area as well as an out of town travel tournament (8th Only). Athletes will have the opportunity to try again in the spring to be taken to a national tournament. Our middle school program also offers strength training, vertical training, and conditioning throughout the entire season.
The Details
- 11/27 & 11/28 (Thanksgiving)
- 12/11 & 12/12 (Our Lady of Guadalupe Festival)
- 12/19-1/5 (Winter Break)
Season Length
- September 9th - March 12th
What is covered:
Practice Package
- Practice fees
- Tournament fees
- Coaching fees
Uniform Package
- 2 practice shirts
- 2 uniforms
- Spandex
- Athletic Bag
- Kneepads
- Warm-up top
- Warm-up pants
Fall/Winter Season
- $500 commitment deposit due to accept your offer
- 2nd payment - due in Sept
- 3rd payment - due in Oct
- 4th payment - due in Nov
Late Payment Policy:
All invoices older than 30 days without payment will incur a 10% late fee.
Fall/Winter Tryouts
Spring Season
Spring Tryouts
Tryout Acceptance
Tryout results are posted the night of tryouts on our website and emailed the following day. Athletes will be asked to accept or decline their position in our program. Athletes may be listed as alternates and may be asked to return to future tryout dates.
An acceptance is an agreement to participate and pay in full for the entire season.
Maryville Academy
Sylvia and Ben R. Stein Social Center
1150 N River Rd, Des Plaines, IL 60016
River Trails Park District
1500 E Euclid Ave, Mt Prospect, IL 60056